Prostate Problems

There are a lot of different symptoms of prostate problems. Some of them simply mean you have an enlarged prostate (or BPH). Some may mean you have prostatitis. And some may mean you have actual prostate cancer.

However, before we proceed, a word of warning:

It is very normal for someone to read about symptoms of prostate problems on the Internet and jump to conclusions without getting checked out by a real doctor.
So please, if anything in this article startles you, don't despair.

Get checked out, first.

It is much more common to not have cancer than to have it, so there may very well be nothing wrong with you at all.

So with that said, what are some of the prostate problem symptoms that may be cancer?
Some of the main ones include problems urinating. By that I mean, hesitancy getting started, having a weak urine stream (that just kind of "trickles" out urine), having a frequent urge to urinate all the time, and maybe even seeing blood in your urine.

You might also have sexual problems too.

Like, for example, painful ejaculations... loss of sex drive... a hard time getting an erection... and blood in your semen.
Again, these symptoms may mean you have prostate cancer.
But, they may mean you simply have an enlarged prostate or a prostate infection, and have nothing to do with cancer whatsoever.

The point is not to jump to conclusions.
If you have symptoms of prostate problems, get checked out by a doctor and see what he or she has to say first.

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