Hormone Imbalance

Have you been feeling a little off balance lately? For a woman, hormone balance is essential to her every day health and well being. It affects her sleep, weight mood, and almost every aspect of her every day life.

Around age 35 a woman's ovaries start to become less efficient while estrogen and progesterone production start to decrease at different rates. Since the reduction rates of the two are not the same, an imbalance occurs. Since the progesterone rate drops faster than the estrogen rate, a woman becomes estrogen dominant while actually being low on estrogen.

Progesterone induces a calming effect, so a reduced progesterone level will naturally cause problems like weight gain, sleep problems, bloating, changes in menstrual patterns and the decreased ability to handle stressful situations. Regrettably, chronic stress restricts the effects of progesterone creating an endless cycle. Depleted progesterone is a major problem, but it's not the only problem. The imbalance among other hormones coupled with low estrogen levels all contribute to the symptoms of menopause.

Standard, though ineffective, treatments for menstrual problems, hot flashes, and mood swings are birth control pills and anti-depressants. Actually, according to a recent study, anti-depressants consumed by women between the ages of 40 and 55 has a high potential for triggering night sweats.

For women who suffer from mood swings and hot flashes, St. Johns Wart is a more effective natural remedy with no side effects.

Birth control pills can cause problems. Whether you art taking them to prevent a pregnancy or if you are taking them as an ill advised remedy for menstrual problems. They contain an artificial form of progesterone called progestin. Progestin prevents ovulation but also suppresses the natural ability of a woman's body to produce progesterone.

When natural progesterone is depleted it contributes to the side effects of the pill and soon after aggravates menopause related symptoms like weight gain, bloating, irritability, and the increased risk for breast cancer.

The Best Natural Ways To Balance Your Hormones

Exercise: We have all heard about the lack of exercise being detrimental to our health. But there are numerous degrees of exercise. Exercise like training for a marathon or "Iron Man" categories can trigger stress hormones and aggravate others. These types of exercises should be avoided. Try exercises that produce a relaxing effect on the body like yoga, gentle aerobics, or a 3 mph walk.

Manage Stress: Start by getting 7-8 hours of restful uninterrupted sleep. Manage schedules so there is adequate down-time between the end of one and the beginning of the next one. And make sure you schedule some relaxing activities.

Avoid Toxins: Everywhere you look, there are toxins in our environment. So, this is what you should do. Keep an eye out for the following additives and if you spot them when you read those lists of ingredients put the item back on the shelf. And don't limit your ingredient reading food items. Check out anything you put into or onto your body. Try to avoid the following:

Propylene Glycol

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

 Laureth Sulfate

Sodium Benzoate

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Flavoring

Try to choose food with organic labels.

Chaste Berry: Also known as Vitex, is an herb used to relieve PMS, menopausal distress, and irregular periods. One study revealed Chase Berry reduced numerous PMS symptoms including irritability, breast tenderness, and dyspeptic moods.

Dong Quai: This herb is used in traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of menstrual problems. It is also effective at relieving menopausal symptoms and balancing estrogen levels.

L-Theanine: this amino acid is found in Green Tea and lowers elevated stress hormones. It improves sleep but does not cause grogginess. For best results take 50-200 mg during the day for stress reduction or the same dosage in the evening for quality sleep.

When starting with the lower dosage (recommended), the effects usually take about 30 minutes to take effect, and usually last for about 8 hours.

Black Cohosh is a plant source of estrogen. It increases estrogen levels to various areas of the body like the brain. This results in the reduction of the occurrences of hot flashes. Also other areas of the body are also affected like the bones, lowering the risk of osteoporosis, and the vagina, preventing vaginal dryness.

Taking Black Cohosh in conjunction with St. John's Wart has proven to be effective in treating depression and the symptoms of menopause. Once again, Mother Nature to the rescue.

Hormone imbalance is unique to women. There are numerous ailments that fall into that category.

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