Fitness Trackers

As a man you need to be fit for you to retain your sexy look. One of the best ways of tracking your fitness levels is by using a fitness tracker. Here are some of the best trackers in the market:

Withings pulse

It's 1.5 inches in size and rectangular in shape. It aids in recording steps taken, stairs climbed, time active, calories burned, and sleep patterns. One of the best features of the device is that it has the ability of displaying your heart rate. To do this you only need to press your finger on the device.

It's easy to use and you can easily sync it to its partner app. To make it easy to use, it comes with an OLED touch screen. It also comes with a long battery life; therefore, you don't have to keep on charging the battery every now and then.

While the device is great to have as a man, it has one major flaw: you can sync it only via its application.

This is a narrow sensor that is usually fitted into a removable rubber bracelet. The device aids in helping you to track steps, sleep, and calories burned. It's also water proof; therefore, you can get into water without any problems.

The disadvantage with it is that it lacks an LCD screen and an altimeter. It also doesn't track the stairs travelled. It goes for $100 at the company's website.

Basis band

This is a data king that comes with four sensors that aid in monitoring the heart rate, sweat levels, and temperature. It also comes with an app that helps you in tracking your current goals. The main flaw of the device is that it has accuracy problems.
It goes for $200 at the company's website.

Misfit shine

This is a sophisticated metal disc that you clasp to your clothes. The disc aids in tracking steps, calories, and distance travelled. It gives you notifications via a ring of tiny lights that are at the top of the disc. To upload any information you only need to connect the disc to your iPhone and the device will sync automatically.

Nike+ Fuelband

It comes in three different wrist sizes and all you need to do is to choose the one that pleases you the most. To track your fitness level you need to wear the tracker and the in-built accelerometer tracks everything physical that you do.

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